
Knowledge & Inspiration

In our blog you will find everything you need to know about organic & nature, sustainability, exercise, nutrition and much more.

Superfoods in Pulverform

Bye-bye Erkältung! Die Superfood-Strategie gegen Grippe & Co!

Novemberwetter – Kälte, Nebel & Regen – und damit die Zeit von Schnupfen, Husten und Co. ist da. Das bedeutet: Spätestens jetzt ist es Zeit, dein Immunsystem auf Vordermann zu bringen! Wenn die...

Achtsam durch den Herbst: Selfcare-Routinen für mehr Energie

Achtsam durch den Herbst: Selfcare-Routinen für mehr Energie

Der Herbst ist da und bringt seine kühlen Tage, bunten Blätter und gemütlichen Abende mit sich. Doch neben der Schönheit der Jahreszeit gibt es auch Herausforderungen: weniger Sonnenlicht, kühlere ...

Deine Goldene Herbstzeit – Stärke finden & Klarheit leben mit TCM!

Deine Goldene Herbstzeit – Stärke finden & Klarheit leben mit TCM!

Der Herbst bringt kühle, frische Luft, kürzere Tage und eine wunderschöne Verwandlung in der Natur, während sich die Blätter verfärben und Bäume ihre Blätter fallen lassen. Diese Jahreszeit lädt Di...

Frau sitzt in einem Stuhl aus Holz, liest ein Buch, umgebend von Bäumen und Sonnenstrahlen

Zeitersparnis im Alltag: So schaffst Du mehr Raum für Dich

Im hektischen Alltag die Zeit sinnvoll zu nutzen und trotzdem noch Momente für sich selbst zu finden, ist eine wahre Herausforderung. Zwischen Job, Familie und persönlichen Verpflichtungen bleibt o...

Mehr Vitalität durch die richtige Ernährung - So gelingt Dir der gesunde Wandel!

Mehr Vitalität durch die richtige Ernährung - So gelingt Dir der gesunde Wandel!

Der Mund ist das Tor zu Deiner Gesundheit – Du bist, was Du isst!  Mehr Vitamine, spezielle Nahrungsergänzungsmittel & Spurenelemente, weniger Süßes & Fettes, Low Carb oder Abnehmen &...

Mann der tagsüber in den See springt

Happy Summer – Hormone der Schlüssel zu mehr Wohlbefinden & Lebenslust!

Sommer - Zeit der Erholung, des Sonnenscheins und der langen Tage im Freien. Doch trotz der vielen positiven Aspekte kann der Sommer auch eine Herausforderung für Deinen Hormonhaushalt darstellen. ...

Gesunde Ernährung leicht gemacht - Tipps für Reisen und Ausflüge

Healthy eating made easy - tips for travel and excursions

Eating healthy doesn't have to be complicated, especially when traveling or on excursions. With a little planning and the right foods, you can be optimally nourished even when you're on the go. Her...

Strahlend durch den Sommer – 5 Tipps für mehr Wohlbefinden und Energie

Radiant through the summer – 5 tips for more well-being and energy

Summer is the season that we often associate with sun, beach and relaxation. But the hot temperatures can also pose a challenge to our well-being and vitality. In order to enjoy summer to the fulle...

Sommerglück mit TCM - Vitalität und Lebensfreude

Summer happiness with TCM - vitality and joy of life

Summer is a wonderful time that delights us with warmth, sunlight, long days and mild nights - the perfect opportunity to enjoy life to the fullest! At the same time, the heat can sometimes be exha...

Bewegung und Sport - Medizin für ein Leben voller Vitalität, Wohlbefinden und Gesundheit!

Exercise and sport – medicine for a life full of vitality, well-being and health!

Exercise and sport play a crucial role in our physical and mental health. In this blog post, we explore the importance of endurance, strength, coordination and flexibility training for an active, ...

Gesund und fit im Alltag: Eine unmögliche Aufgabe oder ein erreichbares Ziel?

Healthy and fit in everyday life: an impossible task or an achievable goal?

How difficult is it really to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle in a hectic everyday life? Are there effective strategies to achieve this goal? In this blog article, we have five practical ti...

Fruchtzucker – gesunde Süße oder Krankmacher? Wir klären auf!

Fructose – healthy sweetness or disease-causing agent? We explain!

Fructose – much loved and wildly controversial!  Fruit sugar or fructose is a naturally occurring sugar that is found primarily in fruit and has received a lot of attention in recent years wi...

Purora AlltagsheldenIm Gespräch mit Purora Alltagsheld Bernhard Gruber

In conversation with Purora everyday hero Bernhard Gruber

The next Purora everyday hero is here. We were able to visit former Nordic combined athlete Bernhard Gruber in his hometown of Bad Hofgastein, where he lives with his wife and two sons. Bernhard h...

Frauenpower im Business: 5 Tipps für mehr Erfolg

Women’s power in business: 5 tips for more success

In the modern business world, women play an increasingly important role and contribute significantly to the success of companies. They bring unique strengths, skills and perspectives that can help ...

Purora AlltagsheldenIm Gespräch mit Purora Alltagsheldin Dr. Susanne Steindl

In conversation with Purora everyday heroine Dr. Susanne Steindl

Today we would like to introduce you to our next Purora everyday heroine, Dr. Susanne Steindl. She is a general practitioner in Vienna and has been working in the field of nutrition, vital substan...

5 Tipps zur natürlichen Stärkung Deiner weiblichen Energie

5 tips to naturally strengthen your feminine energy

Feminine energy is often associated with qualities such as intuition, creativity, calmness and inner strength. It is considered gentle, flowing and cyclical. In a world that is often characterized ...

Purora AlltagsheldenIm Gespräch mit Purora Alltagsheldin Doris Kemptner

In conversation with Purora everyday heroine Doris Kemptner

Today we would like to introduce you to the next Purora everyday heroine, Doris Kemptner. We visited her and her three-year-old son Rey Gabriel and talked to her about her everyday life as a mother...

Harmonie am Arbeitsplatz: 5 Tipps für ein liebevolles Miteinander

Harmony in the workplace: 5 tips for loving togetherness

Today's world is often characterized by hectic pace and stress. And that is precisely why a harmonious working environment is more important than ever today. In order to support the well-being of e...

NachhaltigkeitAus Liebe zur Umwelt: 5 Tipps für einen nachhaltigen Lifestyle

For the love of the environment: 5 tips for a sustainable lifestyle

Today, a green, sustainable lifestyle is not just a trend, but a way of life that protects the environment and improves our quality of life. The conscious use of resources and the choice of enviro...

Purora AlltagsheldenIm Gespräch mit Purora<br>Alltagsheldin Gerlinde Kaltenbrunner

In conversation with Purora
Everyday heroine Gerlinde Kaltenbrunner

Today's blog post starts our new series, the “Purora Everyday Heroes and Heroines”. We will visit inspiring personalities, including athletes and nutrition experts, and talk to them about topics s...

Neues Jahr, neues Ich: Gesunde Neujahrsvorsätze für Körper und Geist

New Year, New You: Healthy New Year's Resolutions for Body and Mind

With the start of a new year, the door opens to new possibilities. The new year is a perfect opportunity for a refreshing fresh start and the ideal time for healthy New Year's resolutions for bo...

Merry Stressless: Tipps für eine stressfreie Weihnachtszeit im Job

Merry Stressless: Tips for a stress-free Christmas at work

Christmas is just around the corner and for many of us this is a time of joy, contemplation and togetherness. In a professional environment, however, it can often mean stress, hecticness and a high...

Entspannende Yin Yoga Momente für den Advent

Relaxing Yin Yoga moments for Advent

Advent is a special time of year, marked by anticipation, candlelight and cozy evenings. But all too often it is overshadowed by stressful shopping trips, overloaded to-do lists and the pressure to...

(Selbst-)Liebe geht durch den Magen: Unsere Tipps für bewusste Ernährung

The way to love (self) is through your stomach: Our tips for conscious eating

You keep coming across #selflove on social media. It's about believing in yourself, putting your own well-being above that of others and showing appreciation for yourself. But what does self-love a...

Mehr Herzlichkeit im Job – so gelingt die Transformation

More warmth at work – this is how the transformation succeeds

A good atmosphere in the workplace is worth its weight in gold. Harmony and respectful interaction not only ensure greater well-being, fun and productive collaboration. They also improve the healt...

Ballaststoffe – unterschätzter Lebensstoff oder unnötiger Ballast?

Fiber – an underestimated vital substance or unnecessary ballast?

What is fiber? Do we need fiber at all – and if so, why and how much? Fiber consists mainly of polysaccharides that are indigestible to humans - these are large molecules that form cell walls...

Engagiert für die Mitarbeitergesundheit: Unterstützungen und Auszeichnungen für Unternehmen

Committed to employee health: Support and awards for companies

In this article, we will take a closer look at what support and funding you as an employer can take advantage of for measures to improve employee health and what awards your company can receive if...

Ist Bio immer besser? 5 gängige Bio-Mythen aufgeklärt

Is organic always better? 5 common organic myths busted

Do you know that? When it comes to organic food, the front lines are often hardened. While for some organic is the only true thing and beyond all doubt, others label it as a privilege of the upper ...

So stärkt ein gesundes Lunch-Angebot Deine Mitarbeiterbindung

A healthy lunch offer strengthens your employee loyalty

What did you have for lunch today? A quick sandwich in front of the computer? A bland meal in the canteen? Or did you skip the meal altogether because there was no time for it between meetings and ...

8 Wege zu mehr Nachhaltigkeit im Arbeitsalltag

8 ways to be more sustainable in everyday work

Environmental protection is not only important within our own four walls. In the office, too, each of us can take measures to make our everyday working life more sustainable. If the instruction com...