Exercise and sport – medicine for a life full of vitality, well-being and health!

Bewegung und Sport - Medizin für ein Leben voller Vitalität, Wohlbefinden und Gesundheit!

Exercise and sport play a crucial role in our physical and mental health. In this blog post, we explore the importance of endurance, strength, coordination and flexibility training for an active, fulfilling and healthy life. From the cardiovascular benefits of endurance sports to strengthening muscles through strength training, promoting dexterity and balance through coordination sports to more flexibility, relaxation and stress relief through stretching, yoga and the like - let's delve into the world of sport and discover how these four pillars of exercise can increase your fitness and vitality and help you to develop your full potential. With that in mind - 1,2,3 go!

Endurance sports - the daily dose for a healthy heart and a clear head

Endurance sports are an essential part of a healthy lifestyle and provide you with a variety of health benefits. Regular endurance training improves cardiovascular function and can reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes. In addition, regular endurance sports contribute to weight loss or weight control. Furthermore, endurance training can strengthen the immune system and thus reduce the risk of infections and diseases. Psychologically, endurance sports reduce stress, improve mood and increase general well-being. The endorphins released during endurance sports act as a natural mood enhancer.

The extent to which you do endurance sports depends on your individual health and fitness goals, your state of health and the time you have available. Sports such as running, walking, cycling, swimming, hiking and rowing are popular and useful endurance sports. A special variant of endurance training is HIIT, or high-intensity interval training. This is characterized by short but very intense training intervals followed by short recovery phases. This method increases the heart rate quickly and effectively, promotes endurance, continues to burn calories even after training and improves overall physical performance.

The Austrian Society for Sports Medicine and Prevention generally recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity or 75 minutes of high intensity endurance training per week for adults. These recommendations vary depending on the individual's health and fitness level. You can measure the intensity using your heart rate. You calculate your maximum heart rate by subtracting your age from 220. High intensity usually corresponds to around 70-85% of your maximum heart rate, while low intensity corresponds to around 50-65% of your maximum heart rate.

It is important that you adjust the intensity to your individual abilities and goals and listen to your body to avoid overexertion or injury. It is also a good idea to choose a sport that you enjoy and that can be easily integrated into your daily routine and lifestyle. This will keep you motivated in the long term and maximize the health benefits.

Strength training – for more vitality and self-confidence!

Weight training offers a variety of health benefits and is therefore of great importance for your long-term well-being and health. Regular training not only strengthens and builds muscles, but also promotes bone health, strengthens supporting muscles and can prevent the risk of injury, back pain and poor posture. In addition to the physical benefits, weight training also has positive effects on mental health as it can reduce stress and increase self-confidence. These holistic benefits make weight training an important activity for people of all ages and fitness levels.

However, it is particularly important for beginners to learn strength training under the guidance of a qualified person and to concentrate on the correct execution of the basic exercises in order to avoid overloading and injuries. A structured training plan that addresses the various muscle groups and takes sufficient recovery times into account is crucial for sustainable success. For optimal results in strength training, it is recommended to train the entire musculature twice a week for 45 minutes to 1 hour each time. A balanced training routine tailored to you and your possibilities and wishes with sufficient recovery time is crucial to achieving your individual goals.

Coordination training - when your arms decide to dance tango while your legs are still practicing salsa!" 

Coordination sports play an essential role in your long-term health because they improve your body's ability to perform movements safely, precisely and efficiently. Coordination training involves exercises that promote and optimize the cooperation of different muscle groups and sensory organs. Even playful activities such as balance exercises, ball games, rope skipping and obstacle courses improve your coordination skills. Furthermore, regular practice of coordination sports such as dance, gymnastics, tennis, slacklining and climbing not only promotes motor skills, but also proprioceptive skills. These are particularly important for balance and good posture.

In addition, coordination sports help to develop better body awareness and good spatial orientation skills. They also reduce the risk of injury because they increase the stability of the joints and improve reaction time. Psychologically, coordination sports can increase self-confidence and reduce stress because they have a positive and relaxing effect on mental health. It is best to incorporate a few minutes of coordination exercises that you enjoy and have fun into your daily routine 1-2 times a week. This will improve your physical fitness, your mental balance and simply make you feel better.

Mobility – Flexible and supple through life! 

Flexibility sports and exercises support and improve the flexibility and mobility of your entire body. Through regular training, flexibility sports such as yoga, Pilates, Qi Gong, Tai Chi, Feldenkrais, fascia training and active or passive stretching can not only promote muscle stretching, but also improve joint mobility and blood circulation. A more flexible body has a lower risk of injury because it has a greater range of motion and muscles and joints work better together. Flexibility sports also help to reduce tension and stress by providing rest and relaxation and supporting healthy posture. Psychologically, they increase well-being, improve body perception and awareness of your own body. Regular sessions of a few minutes, i.e. 2-3 times a week, are enough to increase your flexibility and at the same time give you restful moments of relaxation.

Start today! Your path to a more vital, healthier and happier life begins with exercise! 

Exercise and sport are essential for a healthy and fulfilling life. From endurance and strength training to coordination sports and flexibility exercises - the wide range of exercise options offers you countless health benefits for body and mind. With a balanced training routine that integrates these four pillars of fitness, you can increase your fitness and vitality and develop your full potential. Whether you're jogging, lifting weights, balancing or stretching - every step, every movement and every stretch brings you closer to a more vital and happier life. So grab your sports gear and start your personal fitness adventure - your body and mind will thank you! Change for the better! 

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