Summer happiness with TCM - vitality and joy of life

Sommerglück mit TCM - Vitalität und Lebensfreude

Summer is a wonderful time that delights us with warmth, sunlight, long days and mild nights - the perfect opportunity to enjoy life to the fullest! At the same time, the heat can sometimes be exhausting. Really hot dog days can be quite exhausting and put a strain on your organism. This makes it all the more important to treat your own body with care and to listen to its signals. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) offers valuable tips and practices to enjoy this time of year with more vitality and balance. 

Fire and Flame - TCM in Summer 

TCM sees summer as the time of the "fire element" and the "big yang". This element stands for warmth, brightness and activity and is closely linked to the heart and small intestine. The fire element regulates the circulatory system and emotional balance. Psychologically, the fire element stands for joie de vivre, love and passion, but also for depression, restlessness and hyperactivity. The right amount of fire energy is crucial for emotional well-being. Especially in summer, excessive heat in the body can lead to symptoms such as insomnia, nervousness and heart palpitations. To maintain balance, it is important to take measures that calm the excess fire and support the yin energy. 

With this blog we want to show you how you can use the principles of TCM to enjoy the summer full of vitality and zest for life.

Light summer pleasures: the right diet 

In summer, TCM recommends a gently cooling and light diet to balance the heat and refresh the body. Here are some general principles that are beneficial for everyone:

Refreshing green and juicy red 

Prefer seasonal, fresh, juicy foods such as cucumbers, watermelons, zucchini, peppers and tomatoes. Steamed, as a soup or as a salad - fresh, colorful vegetables cool and hydrate your body in a beneficial way. One to two portions of these foods per day also provide you with valuable nutrients and vital substances and support your digestive system.

Cool refreshment 

Enjoy cooling teas such as peppermint tea or chrysanthemum flower tea, but avoid iced drinks as they can weaken the digestive system. Instead, drink water and unsweetened teas at room temperature or slightly chilled to refresh the body in a pleasant and gentle way. At least 1.5 to 2 liters of liquid per day, a little more on hot days, will give your cells the fluid they need. Make sure you drink regularly, especially if you are physically active or spend a lot of time in the sun. Tip: Pimp your water with our organic elixirs - specially and individually for you and your best energy level.

Sweet summer fruits 

Seasonal fruits such as berries, melons, apples and pears are ideal for refreshing the body. However, be careful not to eat too much fruit at once as this can lead to digestive problems. Two portions of around 150-200 grams of fruit per day provide you with valuable nutrients and vital substances, fiber, secondary plant substances and optimally support your metabolism.

Soups and smoothies 

Soups are a great way to hydrate and nourish your body without putting too much strain on it. Soups like gazpacho or vegetable broths are a perfect, nutrient-rich, refreshing, light summer meal. Refreshing smoothies are also a great way to cool down and nourish the body.

Enjoyable enjoyment 

Avoid fried, grilled and fatty foods that put a strain on your digestive system and generate additional heat. Instead, opt for boiled, steamed and blanched dishes that relieve the strain on your body. Spices such as ginger, chili and garlic stimulate your digestive power and activate your circulation, but they also make you sweat. So be careful with the amount of hot and spicy spices you use, especially in summer. Instead, support your digestion with aromatic summer spices such as basil and oregano.

There is a herb for everything - Natural cooling in summer 

Herbs can help reduce internal heat and cool and refresh the body. We have listed some of the best cooling herbs for you here:

Peppermint: A fresh kick for hot days 

Peppermint is known for its cooling effect and helps to refresh the body and aid digestion. One to two cups of peppermint tea a day are particularly beneficial on hot days.

Green tea & matcha – invigorating and refreshing 

Green tea has a cooling effect that is particularly beneficial in summer. It contains antioxidants and supports hydration. You can enjoy it as a hot tea, chilled iced tea or in smoothies. Two to three cups a day help to cool and refresh the body.

Lemon balm: calm and refreshment 

Lemon balm has a cooling, calming effect and helps to reduce stress. You can use it as a tea, in smoothies or in salads. A cup of lemon balm tea or a handful of fresh leaves a day is ideal for cooling and calming the body.

Chamomile: Gentle calming 

Chamomile has a mild cooling effect and can help to harmonize and cool digestion. Chamomile tea is particularly relaxing, is good for your digestive organs and helps to relieve heat complaints. A cup in the evening will give you a good and comfortable night's sleep.

Chrysanthemum flowers: floral magic against heat 

Chinese chrysanthemum flowers are a very popular remedy for internal heat. They help clear the eyes, relieve headaches and lower blood pressure. One to two cups of chrysanthemum flower tea per day is ideal for cooling the body and reducing heat.

Cool tips for hot days

In addition to the right diet and herbalism, we have further inspiration and measures for you to stay healthy, balanced and “cool” in the summer:

Gentle exercise: Qi Gong, yoga and Tai Chi in summer 

Light physical exercises such as yoga or Tai Chi relax, promote blood circulation, support your heart Qi and keep you flexible and active. However, avoid intense physical activity during the hottest times of the day. 30 minutes of gentle exercise per day is enough to strengthen heart energy and maintain inner balance.

Don’t forget sun protection: Stylish in the shade 

Excessive heat can disrupt heart energy and lead to symptoms such as restlessness, nervousness or insomnia. Protect your skin from excessive sun exposure. Wear a hat, sunscreen and light, breathable clothing to avoid sunburn and overheating. A shady spot outside can help stabilize heart energy.

Siesta enjoyment: rest breaks for more energy 

Schedule regular breaks to rest and cool down. A quick power nap of 15-20 minutes can do wonders to refresh your energy and calm your heart. Find a cool, quiet place to relax and rejuvenate. Short meditations or breathing exercises can also help to harmonize your heart Qi and maintain your inner balance.

Conclusion: Summer full of energy, vitality and joie de vivre 

Summer is the time of the fire element, which stands for warmth, energy and zest for life. Use the knowledge of TCM to enjoy the summer vitally and "cool". A light and gently cooling diet, sufficient hydration and the use of cooling herbs help to reduce feelings of heat and support heart energy. Supplement your diet with moderate exercise and protect yourself from excessive sun exposure. Plan regular rest breaks to maintain your inner balance. Listen to your body and your needs, find the balance between activity and relaxation, so nothing stands in the way of your pure summer enjoyment! 

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