Reguliert die Lebenskraft

AKTION | ELEMENT - Shiitake Pilz

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Shiitake enthalten wertvolle Proteine, Vitamin D und B5, Kupfer, gesundheitsfördernde Polysaccharide und stärken das Immunsystem und unterstützen den Energiestoffwechsel & das Nervensystem.

✔ 100% BIO & VEGAN
✔ ohne Zuckerzusatz & Konservierungsstoffe
✔ mit wertvollen Pflanzenwirkstoffen
✔ ungekühlt bis zu 6 Monate haltbar

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Delivery within 2-3 working days to Austria and Germany. Collection also possible at the Purora Store Raab .

Veredelte Superfoods. Aus reinen Naturkräften.

What connects me most with Purora is its focus on a healthy diet and absolute well-being. Purora makes sure that people are doing well when it comes to nutrition and that is also my big concern.

Gerlinde Kaltenbrunner
Professional mountaineer

Essential Package

The starter package for the first step towards your personal change process!

The Essential package only contains things that will help you cook quickly, easily and, above all, healthily. There is also a little surprise on top for free - let yourself be surprised.

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