Tips for more exercise in your everyday life

Tipps für mehr Bewegung in Deinem Alltag

Are you reading this sitting down? Then you may be like the majority of the population: in your daily life you spend too much time in stationary positions and move too little. Although we are aware that this behavior is not optimal, the schedule is often so full that time slots for exercise are in short supply. We'll now tell you how you can easily integrate more exercise into your everyday life and why this can make you healthier and more relaxed. 

By the way: How about you stand up to read this blog and do a few squats between paragraphs? 

The importance of exercise for your health

Running, jumping and doing cartwheels – as children our urge to move was untamable, and sitting still was a never-ending challenge. The older we get, the less space such spontaneous gymnastics sessions have in our everyday lives, which are often characterized by hours of sitting or greatly reduced movement sequences. 

Physical activity is an important pillar of health and our body naturally longs for it - even if our inner weaker self usually claims otherwise. In addition to burning calories, physical activity also ensures that circulation is stimulated and that the skeleton, muscles and internal organs are supplied with oxygen and important nutrients. Physical activity also helps you relax and deal with stress better. 

Because of these positive effects of exercise, health experts recommend at least between 150 and 300 minutes of light physical exercise, such as walking or cycling, per week. In reality, however, many people fail to consistently achieve this goal. 

Why is that? For many of us, everyday life is so busy that there seems to be little time for exercise, or we simply cannot muster up any energy reserves for it. 

Do you want to know how you can still manage to integrate more exercise into your everyday life, without a lot of time or effort? Then read on quickly.

10 tips to make your everyday life more active

Regular strength, endurance and conditioning training is important for your health. But even if you don't always find the time to visit the fitness or yoga studio, you can support your body with mini-workouts and regular exercise breaks. Here are some ideas:

  1. Always walk short distances
    Check your route to the post office or bakery in advance. Does it take you less than 15 minutes to walk? Then leave the car or bus aside and go for a short power walk. This not only saves you the public transport ticket or the search for a parking space, but also boosts your circulation.

  2. Take the stairs instead of the elevator
    This may require some effort at first, especially if the office is on the seventh floor and pressing the elevator button is already automatic. But there are always stairs somewhere, climbing stairs is a fantastic cardio workout and even going to the stairwell will eventually become a habit that you no longer have to think about.

  3. Get up whenever you can
    For example now, if you haven't already. The bodies of people who sit a lot at work “look forward” to every minute of standing. Use the time on public transport to stand and train your deep muscles through balance training when the subway rocks or the bus goes around the bend.

  4. Take short breaks from movement
    You should take regular short breaks at work anyway to promote concentration and productivity. Use this to get a little exercise, even if it's just for a few minutes: Walk up and down the staircase a few times, do a round of table yoga or take a walk in the fresh air.

  5. Turn household chores into a workout
    You burn a lot of calories when vacuuming and cleaning windows anyway. If you do the tasks with a little more energy and an upbeat soundtrack, it becomes a full-body workout with a clean side effect.

  6. Meet for a walking date
    Instead of coffee and cake or a glass of wine, a brisk walk is a great way to chat and spend quality time with friends or family. The best thing: When you have good conversations, you don't even notice how many kilometers you've already covered. The 10,000 steps per day recommended by experts can be easily achieved.
  7. Get off one stop earlier
    Or later. The main thing is that you prolong your walk home after work and give your cardiovascular system a good boost instead of just lying on the couch with Netflix.
  8. Saddle your bike
    Cycling puts you in a good mood and you get to your destination quicker than walking. So take your bike more often instead of taking a car or public transport and enjoy whizzing through the city or across the country with the wind in your air.
  9. Motivate each other to exercise
    So that you don't cancel the booked session for your high-intensity interval training (HIIT) at the last moment, it's best to plan your workouts together with friends. This way you can encourage each other, sweat together and share the feeling of success after exercise.

  10. Make exercise a habit
    If you find it difficult to integrate exercise into your everyday life, make it a routine. The easiest way to do this is to link them to other habits. For example: While brushing your teeth you practice squats, while the coffee is brewing you strengthen your lower legs with calf raises and every time you have gone to the toilet you practice push-ups for a minute. This makes it easier for your brain to establish new routines. 

Round off your healthy lifestyle with the right ingredients

If you are already in the process of making your everyday life healthier through more exercise, you should also think about your diet. In addition to exercise routine, it is the second major pillar of health. A varied menu with lots of vegetables, fresh organic fruit and sufficient proteins is the optimal complement to an eventful life.

With our treatment packages, full of delicious, nutritious meals, you make it particularly easy to switch your everyday life to a balanced diet. You will also notice that you will gain more energy and will be able to motivate yourself to exercise more easily in the future. 

Conclusion: More exercise doesn't take a lot of effort  

It's the little moments that have great movement potential in your everyday life. Stairs instead of elevators, standing instead of sitting and filling empty minutes with mini-workouts doesn't require a lot of time or gym clothes. Nevertheless, with these small steps you can take a big leap towards greater well-being. If you complement our tips with a healthy meal plan, then the goal of a healthier life is within reach. 

Have you tried our tips for more exercise in everyday life? Are you already enjoying our treatment packages or have you already tasted our products? Share your opinion and experiences with us, we are always happy to hear from you - also on Facebook or Instagram .

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